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Ginger Pickle - How to use?

Ginger Pickle
How to Take It

Adults should eat no more than 4 grams of ginger per day, pregnant women should consume less than 1 gram a day and children under the age of 2 should not be given ginger. Although side effects are rare, ginger can react with other herbal remedies or medications, so ginger should be taken under the supervision of a health professional. To make your own pickled ginger at home, bring 2 cups of rice wine vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar and other desired spices to a boil, add 2 cups of thinly sliced ginger and let simmer for a half hour. Let cool, then place the mixture in a jar and refrigerate overnight.

Ginger is a plant generally covered in a brownish skin. Native to India and China, its name is derived from the Sanskrit word "stinga-vera," which means “with a body like a horn," or resembling antlers. A great way to incorporate ginger into your diet is through the use of ginger tea — just add a few slices of ginger to boiling water and let it brew for ten to 15 minutes.

Here are the top five benefits of ginger:

1. Digestion: Ginger is historically known for its effectiveness as a digestive aid. It aids in producing digestive fluids and saliva, helps relieve indigestion, gas pains, stomach cramping, and diarrhea. Ginger has always been regarded as an excellent way to eliminate intestinal gas and help relax and soothe the intestinal track.

2. Motion sickness: Ginger is very effective in combating and preventing the symptoms of motion sickness and seasickness. In an independent study it was found that ginger may be more effective in preventing seasickness than the commonly-used drug Dramamine.

3. Anti-inflammatory effects: Regular use of ginger reduces pain and improves mobility in people afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
4. Protection against colorectal cancer: Gingerols, components in ginger, inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells. Researchers say that the ginger compounds may be effective in chemically preventing and treating colorectal cancers.

5. Strengthens immune system: Ginger promotes healthy sweating, which not only detoxifies the body, but may also help fight off infections. Sweat contains a germ-fighting agent, and it acts against micro organisms like E.Coli and fungi.
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